Simultaneous release of GLBenchmark 2.7 and DXBenchmark 2.7 October 18, 2012 Rendering the same scene, GLBenchmark 2.7 and DXBenchmark 2.7 make the direct comparison of OpenGL (ES) and DirectX/Direct3D implementations possible for the first time ever.
Simultaneous release of GLBenchmark 2.7 and DXBenchmark 2.7 featuring the same content makes the direct comparison of OpenGL (ES) and DirectX/Direct3D implementations possible for the first time ever. Based on the popular OpenGL (ES) benchmark family of GLBenchmark, DXBenchmark implements comparable metrics via Microsoft’s Directx/Direct3D. DXBenchmark 2.7 is the DirectX twin of GLBenchmark 2.7 for Windows 8 x86, Phone and RT, including the same high-level gaming content and low-level measurements as GLBenchmark. GLBenchmark 2.7, an upgrade to the previous Open GL (ES) benchmark tool, measures the quality and performance of the underlying OpenGL ES implementation. The benchmark contains high-level 3D animations (GLBenchmark 2.5 Egypt HD and GLBenchmark 2.1 Egypt Classic) and low-level graphic measurements. Availability GLBenchmark 2.7 and DXBenchmark 2.7 is available in source code for corporate licensing.About Kishonti Informatics Kishonti Informatics is a leading specialist in performance optimization software technologies and a worldwide leader in CPU and GPU performance analytics and benchmarking. Its services are widely used by hardware manufacturers, software developers and enthusiastic consumers worldwide.