Showcasing the latest graphics technologies on your device

GFXBench is a high-end graphics benchmark that measures mobile and desktop performance with next-gen graphics features across all platforms. As a true cross-API benchmark, GFXBench supports all the industry-standard and vendor-specific APIs including OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, Metal, DirectX/Direct3D and DX12.

Complete graphics performance analysis with multiple tests

While the high-level tests (Car Chase, Manhattan 3.1, Manhattan) put your device to an intensive graphics performance analysis with game-like content, low-level tests measure specific graphics performance aspects (Driver Overhead 2, ALU 2, Tessellation, Texturing). In order to provide the most suitable performance testing, GFXBench detects the API level supported by your device and runs the relevant high-level tests.

High-level tests


Car Chase

Manhattan 3.1


Vulkan, Metal, OpenGL ES 3.2, Desktop OpenGL, DirectX11, DirectX12
OpenGL ES 3.1 with Android Extension Pack, Desktop OpenGL
OpenGL ES 3.1, Desktop OpenGL, Metal
OpenGL ES 3.0, Desktop OpenGL, Metal, DirectX11

Key features
Benchmark for low-level APIs
Graphics and compute shaders
Hardware tessellation
Graphics and compute shaders
Compute shaders
Multiple render target (deferred rendering)
Geometry instancing transform feedback

Android, Windows
Android, Windows
Android, iOS, Windows
Android, iOS, OSX, Windows, Windows Phone 8 and RT

Forward-looking: designed to test new low-level APIs (Metal, Vulkan, DX12)

GFXBench is the first performance benchmark to support low-level APIs such as Metal, Vulkan and DirectX12. The tests are currently under development and are available for our corporate partners. Contact us if you want to join the development process!

Comprehensive benchmark for sustained performance, power and quality

GFXBench is designed for measuring sustained, long-term graphics performance, render quality and power consumption in a single, easy-to-use application.

The battery and stability test measures the device’s battery life and performance stability by logging frames-per-second performance (FPS) and expected battery running time, while the render quality test measures the visual fidelity provided by your device

Clear user interface and full-feature capabilities

The easy-to-use user interface enables test selections for more customized testing, in-application device comparisons within and accessible results history management. It also provides a detailed system information on the device. GFXBench measures temperature, CPU clock and frame time at each tests and provide graphs of the results. The consumer version available on the popular application stores contains all the test features included in the corporate edition.


For Business Partners

Our benchmark tools help industry-leading technology companies test and optimize their graphics implementations and bring efficient solutions to the market.

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For the Technology Press

Our benchmarks are used by journalists of the most popular tech sites (AnandTech, Ars Technica, Phone Arena, Engadget, PCMag, Tom's Hardware, Ubergizmo and many more)

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